Sparklers at the ready!
How was everyone’s Halloween? Anything spooky to share? Nothing out of the ordinary happened to me – not even a trick or treater visited me :-(The previous 2 years when I completely forgotten about Halloween I had a few trick or treaters and I had no sweets in the place so this year I was prepared and stocked up on a selection... I guess it’s more for me then ;-)
I was watching ‘Ghosts on the Underground’ a few nights ago on Five, and was quite amazed that it never occurred to me that the Underground might be haunted! The show started off with Bank Station, which I have only used a handful of times and have always gotten lost – both above and under ground! LOL
Trees (Terresa, my sister) uses that station on a daily basis for work... well being the horrid sister that I am, I wanted to share my ‘knowledge’ but thought better of it... will save it until she annoys me next time! Hahaha
I went for my first proper job interview yesterday... not sure how it went – to ‘celebrate’ not making a fool of myself, I went and got my hair cut on the way home! I chopped a good 5 inches off, which in retrospect not a wise thing to do as my neck is not protected from the draft anymore :-( LOL
Now for tonight, I am just getting ready to go out to enjoy the fireworks on top of Blackheath village. I haven’t been to a firework display for many years – it has always been cold and wet which is not a good combination especially at night, I don’t know what I might roll over in the dark. The weather forecast has guaranteed a dry night so I am off to enjoy myself! Will give a report on the nights event later...
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